Quality Policy Statement
Valbruna Australia Pty Ltd is an importer and reseller of a range of quality Stainless Steel Bar and Rod products. Valbruna Australia Pty Ltd purchases steel products from its parent company Acciaierie Valbruna S.p.A. in Italy and has customers in all Australian States, New Zealand, Singapore, Asia and Papua New Guinea.
Valbruna is committed to providing quality products and services to its customers. The responsibility for the provision of quality products and services is shared by all Valbruna staff. Management is responsible for the setting, measuring and annual review of quality objectives that are consistent with this policy. Each department is responsible for contributing to achieving the specified quality goals that include objectives and measures for the following parameters:
- Customers – customer needs and requirements are identified and reviewed on a regular basis to support the provision of fully compliant products and services, customised to specific needs. Management will communicate customer requirements to staff on a regular basis.
- Processes – processes used to deliver products and services are identified, controlled, measured, regularly reviewed and updated. We also encourage innovation in our processes.
- Products – we are committed to providing Stainless Steel products to better meet customer needs.
- People – our people are key to achieving our quality goals. We will identify competence required and develop and support staff to achieve quality and personal goals
- Financial – turnover and bottom line targets will be impacted by sales activity, monetary exchange rates, competitive advantage and the level of demand from customers.
The Quality Management System and related processes are to be regularly reviewed and improved on a continual basis whenever and wherever possible.
The Company’s Quality Management System is based on the requirements of System AS/NZS ISO 9001 :2000. The Management team is committed to implementing and resourcing the Quality Management System that is maintained at all levels of the organisation.
The involvement of all personnel in quality and the emphasis on technical advancement and innovation will ensure the ongoing satisfaction of our customers and the Company’s continued growth.
Environment and Health and Safety Policy
Valbruna has always continued to work in full compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations.
We follow with interest and commitment the social and legislative evolutions that in recent times, following the application of the most innovative European Directives on such matters, has taken us many steps forward.
Valbruna believes in the sustainability of its business, thanks to the direct involvement of its internal organisation and to a continuous comparison with the most demanding markets.
To be a modern European Steel Shop nowadays means always manufacturing in full compliance with Environmental legislations whilst respecting the welfare of its workers at all times.
Environmental Policy
Relevant investments plans for air emission reduction and water treatment, as for regeneration of pickling bath: and waste recovering in order to reduce the impact for the environment. Continuous updating to the recent EU legislation like REACH, GHS, Emission Trading.
Health & Safety Policy
Safety Management Scheme as required from Seveso Law, yearly improvement projects including continuous training of the workers, preventive maintenance programs, NOT (non-destructive tests) for the crucial components of the production facilities, work accidents reduction objectives, updating of the facilities to the best available techniques.